The garage is often a dumping ground – it’s always the simple answer to finding a place for something. Because of this, your garage can quickly become a cluttered mess that can’t contain a car. But with winter coming, you’re going to want to get it organized and cleaned up – both so you can fit your car in before the snow falls, and so any critters aren’t drawn to your clutter when looking for a warm winter home. It’s time to set aside a Sunday and give your garage the three-step once over it deserves. Trust me, you’ll be thankful you did it when you’re not scraping windows in the middle of January.
Step 1 – Empty it out
Pick a nice day so you can move things outside and move everything onto the driveway or back yard. And I mean everything. This will give you a sense of everything you have and allow you a blank canvas to find a place for everything. Group similar items together as they will likely be grouped together when you organize your space (it also allows you to quickly realize if you have duplicates of any items.) Once you’ve emptied the garage out it’s time to purge with purpose. Get rid of things you don’t need or will never use by giving them to friends and family, donating them or selling them at a yard sale or online.
Step 2 – Clean it out
Now that the garage is emptied out, it’s time to give it a good cleaning. Sweep and wash the floors and wash the walls. You may even consider painting the garage floor if it needs it (in this case be sure to move your garage contents to the backyard to keep them safe, and tarp them in case it rains). Check the garage for any holes, drafts or places critters or the cold can get in and seal them up.
Step 3 – Get organized
Make sure there is a place for everything. Put boxes and larger items on shelves; hang tools and other hang-able things on peg board; and place wood across your roof beams for extra storage space above.
There, that wasn’t too bad, was it? Now you’re ready to park your car all winter long. All it takes is a little elbow grease (and some help, if you can find it).
Happy cleaning!