Fall Cleaning Checklist

It’s sad to say but the summer is coming to an end. The leaves on the trees are changing colours signaling the fall season is on its way. Here are some helpful tips to help you prep your home for the cooler months and tackle cleaning chores that was left over from the summer:

  1. Wash windows

Now is the time to tackle those windows. Make sure to clean both the inside and exterior windows for a bigger sparkle.


  1. Dust, wash or vacuum all curtains or blinds

Those musky curtains and blinds may need a good dusting. Use a good quality Swiffer or a vacuum to remove all dust.


  1. Clean walls

Kids at home during the summer may leave behind their fingerprints all over the walls. A good scrub of the walls may be in order but careful not to over scrub that the paint comes off.


  1. Clean ceiling mounted fans and light fixtures

Dust built up on ceiling fans and light fixtures can be easily removed by a good vacuum or Swiffer.


  1. Vacuum furniture and cushions

Vacuum all furniture and cushions especially your pet has been making your couch his second home.


  1. Wipe down kitchen cupboards

Wipe down all kitchen cupboards for a nice clean finish.


  1. Get the carpets professionally cleaned

Traffic during the summer may increase in the home with family and friends visiting. So now is the time to get those carpets professionally cleaned.


  1. Straighten out the closets

If you still have energy left, a good fall tip is to straighten out the closets so you can make room for winter clothing.


  1. Test and replace batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors

This is a great reminder to do twice a year to ensure they are in working order.


  1. Replace furnace filters

As soon as the weather takes a dip, we want to turn on our furnace but before you do, remember to replace the furnace filter.


  1. Clean gutters from fallen leaves

Clean the fallen leaves around your garden and lawn and also clean your gutters before the winter.


  1. Clean and store patio furniture

Give your patio furniture a nice wipe down before you store them away for the winter.


  1. Drain and store garden hose

This is one we always forget to do, but drain and store your garden hose in the garage, shed or basement so it doesn’t wear down and crack.


  1. Drain and close up the pool and hot tub

Drain, clean and close the pool and hot tub for the winter.


  1. Check exterior house lights and make sure bulbs are all working.

Test and replace bulbs in all exterior lights around the house to ensure they are in working order.

– The Tidy Time Saver Team


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