Here are 6 tips to get your children to help clean around the house:
1. Make the bed
Show them how to make the bed and encourage them to do this as part of a their daily morning routine.
2. Pick up toys
Even young children can be encouraged to help pick up their toys. It’s best to start from an early age so they naturally do this after playtime has ended.
3. Feed the pet
Show the kids how much Rover eats and encourage them to feed the dog and refill the water dish when needed.
4. Water the lawn
During the summer months, get the kids involved with gardening and watering the lawn. Show them how to set up the hose and turning the water on and off.
5. Pick up the leaves
Kids naturally love playing in leaves, but also encourage them to help rake up the leaves and put them into compostable containers.
6. Garbage Duty
Encourage kids to take out the garbage when needed and also teach them how to recycle.
These will all be great lessons to learn when they grow up. Do you have any tips to share? Please post them below, we’d love to hear from you.