Do you have your house listed? Call Tidy Time Saver to help get your house cleaned and organized for your next viewing and open house.
We would like to share 10 tips that will make home sparkle for a quick sale:
1. Get rid of clutter. De-clutter your garage, closets and basement by putting on a garage sale or donating to Goodwill will help rooms appear more spacious and roomier.
2. Four rooms that need to be the cleanest are your living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Those are high traffic areas that potential buyers are most interested in.
3. Clean up mold and mildew. No one likes to see a moldy bathroom. Prospective homebuyers are more sensitive than ever about its presence.
4. Keeps walls clean. If repainting is not in the budget, remember to carefully clean wall surfaces to remove dust, grime and fingerprints.
5. Clean those windows. Wash your windows for your home to sparkle.
6. Vacuum regularly to reduce dust.
7. Remember to do those dishes! Even the ones left in your dishwasher. Potential homebuyers will check everything out.
8. Remove stains from carpets with over the counter rug cleaners.
9. Make your bed, especially if you have teenagers. Make sure all rooms are neat and tidy.
10. Remove any offensive books, posters or magazines to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers. So put away your autographed copy of “50 Shades of Grey” for another time.