12 Expert Decluttering Tips

Tidy Time Saver - Decluttering Tips

From the bathroom and kitchen to the bedroom and office, these 12 expert decluttering tips will show you how to get organized for good.

  1. Get rid of duplicates
  2. Get rid of things you haven’t used in a year
  3. Digitize nostalgic items
  4. Don’t keep items out of guilt
  5. Put things back where they belong
  6. Find a home for items instead of left out on the countertop
  7. Sell, giveaway, donate, upcycle or throw away
  8. Don’t keep items you wouldn’t buy now
  9. If it is broken, get rid of it
  10. Don’t forget about storage under the bed
  11. Think tall with storage
  12. Evaluate your spending habits

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We are Tidy Time Saver, the house cleaning professionals who’ve been making Regina, Saskatoon and areas sparkle since 2001!